Receta de Pan de molde sin gluten hechos con Basic Mix de Proceli


Yields2 Serving
Total Time1 hr 40 mins


 400 g Maize Starch Basic Mix Proceli
 100 g Rice flour
 Corn Starch (for sprinkling)
 25 g Fresh yeast
 500 ml Water
 1 Egg (Optional: reserve a small part if you want to paint before cooking)
 25 ml Olive oil
 7 g Salt
 Optional for topping: Poppy seeds, flax, sesame, pipes, dried fruit, etc.



Mix Basic Mix Proceli flour, rice flour and salt in a large bowl


Heat the water in a bowl until it is warm and add the fresh yeast. It is important to dissolve the yeast well in the water to avoid lumps.


In a separate bowl or container beat the egg. Remember that you can reserve a small part of it to later paint the breads before cooking.


Recover the initial flour mixture and add the water with the dissolved yeast, the beaten egg and the oil. Mix well until there is a homogeneous mass.


Sprinkle the work surface where the dough will be placed with the cornstarch, divide it into 2 blocks and insert it into the molds.


The oven should be preheated to 50ºC and a tray filled with water should be inserted in the lower part of the oven. This process will generate the necessary humidity inside the oven to carry out the fermentation. It is recommended not to remove the tray of water until the end of the recipe, since keeping it also during cooking will give the breads moisture, making the crust richer.


To carry out the fermentation process, turn off the oven and introduce the molds with the dough. After 45 to 50 minutes (or when the dough is approximately one finger from the edge of the mold) remove them from the oven and, optionally, you can paint the breads with the previously reserved part of egg and add the topping to taste.


Heat the oven to 180ºC, introduce the breads and leave them to cook for 40 minutes. Remember to keep the tray with water in the oven.


At the end of the cooking time, remove the loaves from the oven and let them cool for a few minutes and remove from the pan.


Once they reach room temperature, all that remains is: slice, serve and savor.


 400 g Maize Starch Basic Mix Proceli
 100 g Rice flour
 Corn Starch (for sprinkling)
 25 g Fresh yeast
 500 ml Water
 1 Egg (Optional: reserve a small part if you want to paint before cooking)
 25 ml Olive oil
 7 g Salt
 Optional for topping: Poppy seeds, flax, sesame, pipes, dried fruit, etc.



Mix Basic Mix Proceli flour, rice flour and salt in a large bowl


Heat the water in a bowl until it is warm and add the fresh yeast. It is important to dissolve the yeast well in the water to avoid lumps.


In a separate bowl or container beat the egg. Remember that you can reserve a small part of it to later paint the breads before cooking.


Recover the initial flour mixture and add the water with the dissolved yeast, the beaten egg and the oil. Mix well until there is a homogeneous mass.


Sprinkle the work surface where the dough will be placed with the cornstarch, divide it into 2 blocks and insert it into the molds.


The oven should be preheated to 50ºC and a tray filled with water should be inserted in the lower part of the oven. This process will generate the necessary humidity inside the oven to carry out the fermentation. It is recommended not to remove the tray of water until the end of the recipe, since keeping it also during cooking will give the breads moisture, making the crust richer.


To carry out the fermentation process, turn off the oven and introduce the molds with the dough. After 45 to 50 minutes (or when the dough is approximately one finger from the edge of the mold) remove them from the oven and, optionally, you can paint the breads with the previously reserved part of egg and add the topping to taste.


Heat the oven to 180ºC, introduce the breads and leave them to cook for 40 minutes. Remember to keep the tray with water in the oven.


At the end of the cooking time, remove the loaves from the oven and let them cool for a few minutes and remove from the pan.


Once they reach room temperature, all that remains is: slice, serve and savor.
